Magasinet M!

Beef: Floyd Mayweather har købt verdens mest smagløse ur og 50 Cent driller ham med det

Ondt blod mellem de tidligere makkere

50 Cent var ivrig Floyd Mayweather supporter op til verdens mest hypede og ligegyldige boksekamp, mellem Mayweather og McGregor. Men den tid er længst forbi.

I løbet af den seneste måned er der boblet en betændt beef op mellem Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson og Floyd Mayweather. 

Det hele blussede op, da 50 Cent, med rette drillede Mayweather med at have købt det forfærdeligt smagløse 'Billionaire Watch', et diamantbesat armbåndsur til 18 millioner dollars. 


Det er selvfølgelig noget, der fucker med den lille boksers selvtillid. Derfor gik han i tænkeboks for at give tilbage til 50 Cent. 

Efter en betænkningstid på næsten en måned, var han klar med sit comeback. En lang tirade af private udleveringer omkring 50 Cent. 

I opslaget kommer Mayweather blandt andet omkring det faktum, at 50 Cents sønner ikke vil se ham. At 50 ikke har haft et hit i lang tid. At han øjensynligt har haft herpes. At han tidligere har været omkring retten for at forsøge en gældssanering. 

Opslaget er langt, og man kan se, at Mayweather virkelig har lagt sjæl i, for at forsøge at ramme sin tidligere makker, med noget der gør ondt. 

Curtis ?Confidential Informant? Jackson, you're mad because your oldest son Marquees mother doesn?t want to be with you! Your Son, your own flesh and blood don't want nothing to do with you! You haven't had a hit song on radio in who knows when and you?re definitely not hot enough to even sell records anymore so Interscope dropped you. You are jealous of any rapper, athlete or entertainer that?s hot or got something going on for themselves. You are a certified snitch and we got paperwork to prove it. You talk about Ja-Rule but you stole his whole style and ran with it! You?re the only self proclaimed gangster that?s never put in work! You need to pay homage to the real 50cent for stealing his name and his storyline. Your claim to fame was getting shot numerous times & living to tell it and you think that's Gangster? Where at? You?re currently living in a fucking apartment in Jersey, you are always in somebody else's business just to stay relevant. You should just become a blogger cause it?s obvious you don?t have nothing going on in your life. Are you mad that Kanye West ended your career? The only thing you got going on is Power and everybody watches that because Ghost is a dope ass character on the show. You can leave the show everybody will still watch Power, but out here in the real world I?m The Real Ghost. That?s not a Mansion in Connecticut that you're in debt for, that?s a dump, a money pit an oversized trap house! It was dope when Mike Tyson had it in the late 80?s early 90?s, but you couldn't afford to maintain it. You?re always talking about somebody is broke, but the last time I checked it was Curtis Jackson that filed for bankruptcy not Floyd Mayweather. So quick to gossip like a Bitch, why don't you tell everybody how you got Herpes from DJ. Where's your memes for that, huh? Or better yet, post on how your Coca-Cola deal wasn?t really 300 million you fucking liar and tell how that spinning G-Unit necklace that somebody got robbed for was fake. Just remember, I was with you everyday and your driver Bruce was my driver also. I know where all your bones are buried, so be easy Curtis Jackson! And by the way, don?t ask to borrow no more money from me.

Et opslag delt af Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) den


50 Cent var ikke sen til at respondere på Mayweathers comeback: 


Det lashout der var på vej til at ramme Floyd fra 50 Cents fans, var umiddelbart for meget for bokseren, der nu har spærret sin instagram for kommentarer.. Pff. 


At ingen kan kommentere på opslagene, afholder dog ikke Floyd fra at fortsætte sin del af beefen:


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