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Første kig på Aquaman-solofilmen viser Jason Momoa mere bøffet end nogensinde

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Første kig på Aquaman-solofilmen viser Jason Momoa mere bøffet end nogensinde

I en række af forskellige nyheder på nettet, som er blevet lanceret til dette års Comic Con Experience i Sao Paulo i Brasilien. har vi nu også fået et lille glimt af, hvad vi kan forvente i Aquaman-solofilmen.

Entertainment Weekly har fået et eksklusivt still fra filmen, som rammer biograferne til december 2018, og her ser vi Jason Momoa helt pumpet op og klar til rollen som Arthur Curry.

Momoa har desuden udtalt, at vi kan forvente følgende af filmen:

"Justice League was only a weekend in Arthur Curry's life. This is a totally different beast. In Aquaman, you see when his parents met and what happened to hem. Then the little boy being raised and finding his powers and going through that and never being accepted on either side. And then becoming this man who puts up all these walls. You just slowly see this man harden up and be completely reluctant wanting to be king and not knowing what to do with these powers he has. I think [director] James Wan just killed it."

Selvom Justice League - efter vores opfattelse - var noget af et flop, så ser vi gerne, hvad Momoa kan få ud af vand-helten.

Se billedet herunder og gense en lille snak mellem Justice League-medllemmerne omkring Arthur Curry:

And you thought #JasonMomoa looked badass in #JusticeLeague. ? Your exclusive first look at the stand-alone #Aquaman film has officially arrived and somehow #ArthurCurry looks even more jacked and more tatted and more menacing than he did before. ? Click the link in our bio for more details on the film from Momoa and director #JamesWan. ?: @jasinboland/Warner Bros.

Et opslag delt af Entertainment Weekly (@entertainmentweekly) den 7. Dec 2017 kl. 11:15 PST


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