Magasinet M!

Disse billeder fra det ydre rum er absolut fantastiske

Amerikanske Scott Kelly og hans russiske med-astronaut Mikhail Kornienko landede tidligt i morges sikkert på jorden efter næsten et år i rummet. Inden da havde Kelly dog haft masser af tid til at skyde en række fuldkommen overvældende billeder oppe fra rummet.

Disse billeder fra det ydre rum er absolut fantastiske

340 dage. Så lang tid tilbragte amerikanske Scott Kelly i det ydre rum sammen med russeren Mikhail Kornienko, inden de tidligt i morges dansk tid landede sikkert i Kazakhstan.

4. september sidste år nåede de frem til Den Internationale Rumstation, der ligger 400 km væk fra jorden, som led i et studie af blandt andet, hvordan menneskets krop reagerer på vægtløshed, isolation, stråling og stress under langvarig rumfart. Resultaterne skal bruges som forberedelse til at sende de første mennesker til Mars.

Gennem hele det forgangne år har man kunnet følge Kellys ophold i rumfærgen og på rumstationen via billeder på Kellys Instagram-profil. Og det er så at sige blevet til en række mageløse skud, der mest af alt ligner noget fra en science fiction-film. Herunder kan du se et udpluk af dem.


#Countdown We're down to a wakeup. #Earth. I'm coming for you tomorrow! #GoodNight from @iss! #YearInSpace #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 29, 2016 at 5:39pm PST


Take a leap and explore new possibilities! #GoodMorning & Happy #LeapDay from @iss! #YearInSpace #February #leapyear #challenge #explore #newpossibilities #space #spacestation #iss #qod #nasa #journeytoMars

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 29, 2016 at 7:59am PST


#Water #YearInSpace #spacestation #iss #space

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 28, 2016 at 2:32pm PST


#EarthArt Desert dunes. #YearInSpace #earth #desert #dunes #art #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 26, 2016 at 11:41am PST


#Countdown: 5 days and a wake-up! Every #mountain is within reach. Keep climbing. #GoodNight from the @iss ?#?YearInSpace? #space #spacestation #iss #exploration #nasa #journeytoMars #reachhigher #keepclimbing #inspiration

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 25, 2016 at 4:32pm PST


More #Africa #EarthArt hues. #YearInSpace #ColorsOfEarth #earth #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 22, 2016 at 6:27pm PST


I'm going to miss the colors of #Africa! #EarthArt. #YearInSpace #ColorsOfEarth #earth #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 22, 2016 at 3:43pm PST


Day 330. Tried to only count up. Tomorrow with 10 days left, I start #countdown. Join me! #GoodNight from @iss! #YearInSpace #homecoming #earth #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 20, 2016 at 4:21pm PST


Looks like another day of limitless possibilities! Greetings #Earth from @iss! #YearInSpace #greetings #newday #possibilities #inspiration #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 18, 2016 at 8:45am PST


#ColorsOfEarth Green sea. #YearInSpace #green #lake #sea #earth #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 16, 2016 at 4:46pm PST


#ColorsOfEarth Orange sands. #YearInSpace #orange #desert #sands #Africa #earth #space #spacestation #iss

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 16, 2016 at 5:31pm PST


Day 312. 5K times around Earth can seem like #GroundhogDay, it's but still a privilege. #GoodNight from @iss! #YearInSpace #beautiful #earth #art #night #space #spacestation #iss #grateful

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Feb 2, 2016 at 5:05pm PST


Og så til sidst et billede af Scott Kelly selv.


You're invited! 300 days of a #YearInSpace today! Ready to @Reddit? Join me Sat., Jan 23, 4pm ET to #AskMeAnything! #nasa #space #RedditAMA #markyourcalendars #spacestation #iss #joinme

A photo posted by Scott Kelly (@stationcdrkelly) on Jan 21, 2016 at 5:12pm PST


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