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Infinity War-instruktør bekræfter vanvittig teori om den orange Soul Stone

Nye detaljer om Avengers 4.

De fleste er stadig lidt i chok over, hvad der skete i Infinity War. Har du stadig ikke set den (kom i gang), så siger vi lige: SPOILERS!

Du husker nok, at Thanos fik held af sit syge plot med et knips af fingrene, og det skyldes at han fik fat i alle Infinity Stones.

En af de sagnomspundne sten, vi først så i selve filmen, var Soul Stone - stenen som havde til evne at fange andres sjæl i stenen.

Genopfrisk din hukommelse - dette betyder hver Infinity Stone.

Og du husker nok, at Thanos havde en mærkværdig samtale med en ung Gamora efter sin magtdemonstration.

Hvad skete der lige der?

Instruktør Joe Russo lavede et foredrag på en skole i Iowa, hvor han kunne bekræfte, at Gamora fra Guardians of the Galaxy rent faktisk befinder sig inde i Soul Stone.

Det vil sige, at vi måske har en chance alligevel, da en anden fanteori mener, at alle Avengers måske også gemmer sig derinde - ihvertfald deres sjæle.

Han bekræfter det med følgende udtalelse:

“It’s all orange around, then he’s inside the Soul Stone, with the amount of power that it took to snap his fingers, he has this out of body experience with Thanos. When he goes inside the Soul Stone he has this kind of conversation with the younger version of his Gamora.”

Ydermere går han i detaljer om følgende, da han blev spurgt om, hvorvidt Gamora stadig er i live:

“She is, in fact, yes…it was an attempt on our part because we don’t like two-dimensional roles or three-dimensional villains, every villain is a hero in their own story. And as insane and psychotic and brutal and violent as Thanos is, he’s a more complex villain if you go on a journey with him emotionally. He does care for things and it is complicated for him to execute his plan and it cost him something. It cost him everything and that it was the only thing he loved, which was Gamora, which is why we put him back with her at the end. I just want to reiterate with the audience that he does feel true emotion even though he is a monster.”

Såååe, det vil måske sige, at 50 % af universets befolkning er fanget i Soul Stone?

Holy fuck!

Infinity War-instruktør bekræfter vanvittig teori om den orange Soul Stone

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