Magasinet M!

Medskaberen af Saw og Insidious er klar med en ny thriller

Se første trailer til filmen, Upgrade.

Leigh Whannel er den ene halvdel af duoen, som har skabt Saw-franchisen (sammen med James Wan) og hans krøllede hjerne har en tendens til at spindle nogle ret interessante koncepter.

Denne gang har han kastet sig over teknologien og dens komplikationer, hvis man forsøger at skubbe grænserne. 

Filmen hedder Upgrade og har Logan Marshall-Green i front som en tech-fyr, der vil hævne sin kones mord og kurere sin egen lammelse med en eksperimentende computerchip implanteret i ham. 

Whannel beskriver følgende om filmen:

“I just had an idea about a computer that was controlling a human, puppeteering them but the human was still in there and was involuntarily having to do these things. It took a while to develop the story and each beat of the story to get it where it was but as I was doing that I was reading a lot about the singularity and the fact that computers being a part of our bodies is right around the corner. So it’s started becoming more and more interesting to me and I started becoming more obsessed with it.”

Filmen rammer biografen d. 1. juni 2018. 


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