Magasinet M!

Fyr sender genial 'breakup'-mail til sit lokale fitnesscenter

Når man ikke kan overholde sit nytårsforsæt.

Kender du også typen, der har de bedste intentioner efter en heftig omgang usund julemad? Du ved, typen der er klar på at lave en Schwarze-junior-program i hele det næste år, men blot formår at gøre det i halvanden måned?

Jep, dem er der en del af. Og hvordan får man så lige sig selv til at se i øjnene, at det her ikke kommer til at ske - mange vælger at lade abonnementet køre, hvilket er ret dumt for pengepungen, mens andre må tage den tunge beslutning at melde sig ud.

Eller også kan man gøre det til en lidt sjov ting og skrive et breakup-brev til sit lokale fitnesscenter!

Reddit-brugeren Mastrrbasser måtte ikke opsige sit abonnement med Planet Fitness over telefonen, men i stedet skulle de have en skriftlig opsigelse.

Hans reaktion er ret priceless:

Fyr sender genial 'breakup'-mail til sit lokale fitnesscenter

Hvis du ikke kan læse på billedet, så står der følgende:

“It is with deep regret, and a heavy heart that I write this letter, but I must come forth with my intentions with sincerity and honesty. 

“Certain events in my life have put me in a different place, and while it was one of the more taxing decisions I’ve had to make of late, it is the right one. 

“The purpose of this letter is to end my relationship with Planet Fitness.

“I know I’ve been distant, but it’s because I’ve changed. I have different needs now, and to be frank… you really haven’t changed at all. You’re still that bulky, purple and yellow building with the tootsie rolls at the counter. I don’t want to change you, and it pains me to think that we were once one, but are now separate and in different places.

“I don’t want you to be jealous, or to judge me based on this decision. That’s not the Planet Fitness that I know and love. I still love you, but more like a friend at this point. I’m sorry things couldn’t have been better between us.

“I still think fondly of you, and the time we spent together as I drive by one of your many locations. Sometimes, when I’m alone, I even throw one of my old ‘power-pop workout’ playlists and feel the rush of our past course through me as if we were still one; holding hands with your elliptical machine, and gingerly brushing my sweaty bangs out of my face as I huff and puff in a tumultuous vortex of sweat and endorphins.

“However, all good things must come to an end, and I hope this letter finds you well. You just keep being you, and while we will both grow, it will be into our own new lives without each other. I think this is for the better.” 

Before a final, devastating blow, right to the heart of Planet Fitness:

“P.S., my wife also needs to cancel her membership.”

Fyr sender genial 'breakup'-mail til sit lokale fitnesscenter

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